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Informational Resources and Operational Links

This page provides educational information and natural resource management links for clients and staff.  Additional content will be added periodically so please check back.  If there is a subject you think should be placed here, please email us.


Wildlife Habitat


Southern Fire Exchange

Friends of Fire Podcast

-Episodes 2 & 3: Wild Turkeys


Deer University (Mississippi State Ext.)

Prescribed Burn Timing for Deer Forage

Episode 44


Triangle Land Conservancy

Piedmont Prairie preservation with Fire

Featuring Wildland Forestry & Env. Inc. at Temple Flat Rock Preserve

Watch YouTube video


Forest & Land

Landowner Prioritization Worksheet

Page 1- Timber Harvest Info.

Page 2 - General Mgmt. Questions

Page 3 - Wildlife Addendum


Kentucky Nature Preserves

Shortleaf Pine Restoration

Watch YouTube video



Prescribed Fire & Weather Forecasts

More Wildlife Habitat Links

Native Plants Conservation

Biota of North America Program

Click on your state and then select a Genus which you are interested in seeing distribution for.  Will show all species that occur or were historically present within the state chosen.

-Link to County Genera Maps (BONAP)



NC Prescribed Fire Council

-NCPFC Website

VA Prescribed Fire Council

-VAPFC Website


Southern Fire Exchange

Regional wildland fire science communication and research synthesis on fire effects and knowledge across the SE.

-SFE Website


Prescribed Fire Groups and Research

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